Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Sewing Day

This is what Mom's table looks like when we designate a sewing day! We have a cutting mat on one end of the table and the other has our ironing station-we share pretty well! Today we made small wall quilts for Christmas time (hey, we are together now and won't be at Christmas!) It was a loose rendition of the Caveman style quilts I saw on Simply Quilts recently-a stack 'n slash style of quilt-very freeing to do because there were no seams to match when piecing each block; it has the look of a crazy patch and we decorated a few seams with decorative stitches on our machines. Chocolate was a nice perk to each mile-marker (like finishing cutting, or sewing a section, etc.)! We have to finish layering and quilting each wallhanging for homework but here is what we finished.
While we were watching Sewing with Nancy as we sewed, the public announcement broke in and warned of severe thunderstorms, hail, and tornadoes and to seek cover inside immediately if you lived in the following counties.....ours was NOT listed-all were north of Jacksonville, about an hour and half north of us. It was blowing and rumbly here but we only got a few quick showers while we were sewing. After I had gotten home, we did have a heavier storm blow through and it put our power out but not Dad and Mom's! Bill and Jimmy were heading out to town for groceries but I was content to stay home and knit by oil lamp while listening to an audio book on my cd player. It was nice to sit snug..... and safe..... and contented.....
This is what I was knitting, and while the power was out, I finished the second pair of felted (really they are fulled) slippers. One pair is for me and one pair for my neighbor Millie-she wore through here first pair 'cuz she wears them all the time to give her feet some cushion on her ceramic tiled floors! I am going to try to put silicone caulk on the bottom of these to try to make the soles last longer. Will let you know how it goes and if they last longer!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun...I'd love to be there to share the laughs (and the chocolates)!


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