Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

I found this pattern from Ravelry's website (an online universe for knitters) with the Dishcloth Weekly Knitalong group. My daughter had given me a cone of Sugar 'n Cream cotton yarn but it was white-out comes the dyepot and I dyed two skeins, one I gave to Mom to make one also. A visit to her to share my finished work didn't produce such happy results on her dishcloth-somehow in the day she mixed up the right side/wrong side and had a half and half dishcloth--she immediately began to rip-that is where I get my fearlessness from-she will finish it today instead! Good for a laugh!

Last night Mom called to say her fridge went from inefficient to unable and so Bill and I went today to purchase our new fridge to be able to pass down our smaller one to Mom and Dad (since they are only here for 3 months a year this only makes sense. Off we go to shop-find the fridge at the first store and then proceed to visit all other 5 stores to be good it is the right one at the right price..........early in our marriage this was a cause for misery, now I understand it is a compulsion for my husband and he is in pain if he doesn't comparison shop. I bring my knitting and sit in the car while he continues to go into all the other stores. He is grateful that he can look and I am grateful I do not have to-there is a confidence that is reached after 32 yrs of marriage that is a welcome place of rest. Anyway, we brought the fridge home and emptied, cleaned the old one, moved in the new and stocked it right up-sure does eat up all the space but since all the drawers pull out, we will no longer have to kneel and dig to find things anymore! Some wives have to content themselves with flowers on Valentine's Day but I have a new fridge and a shelf of chocolate! This is love!

PS - A big thanks to Mike Gritzke , my Husqvarna Viking Dealer in NY state (and to my family aka sewing-machine-Mike) for telling me about Gel Gloss, an appliance cleaner/polish which took all the nasty sticker residue off my new fridge and left a beautiful shine that will resist the prints left by hungry hands!


  1. You two are so funny -- opposites attract...! You have waited very patiently for your new fridge and I'm so happy for you.

    The dishcloth is lovely, is the pattern brainless enough for me to try?

  2. Wonderful!!! A fridge Finn cannot open! The dishcloth looks too pretty to use. What is this shelf full of chocolate you speak of???


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