Thursday, April 24, 2008

A Little Bit of This and That

The garden is starting to give of its produce...

....see the snowpeas and summer squash?! It is getting very hot during the day and since we have had no rain for 3 weeks we are watering every day. It is worth it!

Our neighbors have had another goat give birth-preemie twins-just under 4 pounds and the other at 4lbs. They are brother and sister-doing okay but oh, so little! (Average birth weight is 7-10 lbs)
This is a friend's little guy, Finn, who was a preemie himself (a twopounder!) His mommy was (is!) my daughter's friend from school days in CNY but now she lives near me in FL and since we are both wives and mothers the differences in our ages are less noticeable and outnumbered byt the common bonds we share! We get together for fellowship and Bible study every 2 weeks-it is wonderful for both of us--->we also share quilting, sewing, knitting, gardening, reading and the Lord-what a strong foundation!

My dahlias are blooming! I planted a bunch of bulbs my Dad brought me from his garden in NY. I planted 6 in a sunny spot (top) and 6 in a shadier spot (bottom) both had only 2 plants come up and both are blooming but one is fuller than the other with lots more blooms-so which plant looks happier? I am going to see which one endures the summer better before I plan to move them. Thanks , Dad, for sharing a bit of your yard with me!

A friend loaned me her nursing cape so I could make her a second one for when the first got dirty. It was very easy to make and I am going to make 2 more since the hardware (overall buckle ) comes in a set of two! There are several nursing moms at church who will want one when they see it! The little bit of color in the corners are folded squares of flannel for little pockets/wipe cloths. Very handy to whip up with only 3/4 yard of fabric, stiffener for the top, and a buckle for the handle-all for under $10 when they retail for $30! I am so glad sewing flows in my veins.....


  1. Lots of fun stuff!

    The goats are adorable...

  2. stiffener? Wish I would have had one of those back in the 'lactation days/no sleep' days. People in the grocery store some times got a show.


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The Fringe tree is a little late this year  but it has been very dry so it will not be in bloom long!  This type of tree is called hysterant...