Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Goin' North

Well, working on the northern end of the house renovation that is!  We are started to work on the hall to the garage/breezeway. 
First on the agenda, moving the washer and dryer from their temporary spot to the area in the breezeway that will be closeted around them eventually. 

We had to cut the old lines........and drill holes in the old cement wall to put the lines through to the new area.
Bill has to hook up a new electrical outlet for the dryer tomorrow and then it will be operational!
The old pipes and wires will need to be removed tomorrow , too.

 But for now, it is so nice to be able to walk right straight through to the garage as we planned so long ago!  Painting is also on the agenda in the near future, too.
In between my washer/dryer gopher work , I did a bit of this-never without a project, you know!  Piecing all these blocks stalled when I got into some other projects, but it waited for me!
And we found the litter of kittens from the stray-they are starting to leave their nest so we thought we would catch them and prevent 5 more strays from the neighborhood.
 We have captured all but one of them (4 of 5) and hope to do that tomorrow also.  They need some people-izing so that we can find homes for them!  They are little spitfires right now, much like Nyki was when we first got her.
The new kitten reclamaion zone is set up next to the washer/dryer!  More pics to follow!


  1. okay, the cat igloo thing, did you make it or buy it?

    I like how the dryer was moved before the wiring was there to make it operational. Good excuse to skip laundry for a day, or two or three...

    The kittens are adorable, we can not come for a visit till their gone away. They are hard to resist!

  2. Never a dull moment, Chez Delighted Hands!

  3. Such cute kitties, you must have lots of patience!

  4. Cute kitties, I'm sure you'll be able to get them into some good homes.

  5. Exciting to see the far reaches of your addition starting to tie in with the rest!

    Oh dear, I am feeling very tempted by the'd better hurry and find them homes before I get there!

  6. AWE! The little kitties are so cute! Reminds me of finding Little Kitty & his Bro alongside the road last year. The good things you do;)

  7. The one hiding behind the dryer is the one I want! Too bad you are in Florida and I'm in Indiana.

    So, what does Nyki think of the interlopers?

    Isn't it nice to have the washer and dryer where they belong?


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....