Saturday, May 29, 2010

Slow Motion

This morning I made this skirt from some vintage silky polyester given to me in a stash a while ago.
Bill put up the ceiling fan in our bedroom-so tropical!
I did a little spinning, targhee wool;
some more to spin another day..........head colds are the pits!


  1. Oh could try lying down and resting when you're sick!!!

    Feel better soon... (Everything is lovely, though, by the way!)

  2. Very tropical look!

    The spinning is lovely.

    Get well soon.

  3. Love your bedroom--what do you do in your spare time?? sharon

  4. Love the skirt, the fan and the yarn!! Keep spinning like that and you really will convert me to a spinner!

    I'm always impressed by your productivity, and now, even when you're sick you're being productive.

    Feel better soon!


  5. We noticed that fan at Lowes just the other day and I thought how cool it was! :o) Hope you feel better soon . . . and your crafting is lovely as always!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....