Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I finished this pair of socks first thing today.  My only concern is that they are not superwash, which I didn't think about when I bought the yarn (merino/silk blend) but if I can remember not to toss them in the wash, they will wear a long time.
I worked on the quilt all afternoon and now have the quilt all pressed and waiting for the quilting frame!
I didn't have enough of the original fabric, so I used the left over curtain fabric on the two sides that will show on the sides of the quilt. 
 I even used some of the quilt block pieces to lengthen the borders.  A good mental puzzle to work on this afternoon.    The final measurements are 110" wide and 100 " long-made especially to fit out particular king sized bed.  All I need now is the backing, binding and batting-I hear a trip to JoAnns Fabric store in the near future calling to me!


  1. Very resourceful! Well done.

  2. Although the details of the borders were inspired to make up for a fabric shortage, it just looks like you are amazing! I especially love the inner border done that way...very pleasing.

    If I were you, I'd be headed to the fabric store RIGHT NOW!!! It's too exciting to wait! :)

  3. I love the border its a wonderful solution to your small fabric issue. I too have a King size bed and quilts are always hard to come by, so making your own is a true benefit.

  4. The quilt has come out absolutely gorgeous. Don't you hate when you have to stop because you don't have everything you need to finish?

    The socks are lovely and I actually prefer handwash to superwash. The superwash always seems to felt at least some and it changes the size of the cuff especially.

  5. Don't you love it when a plan comes together? I saw the beginning and am not surprised of your ingenuity. As usual I'm proud of you. Love Mom

  6. Beautiful quilt and socks! Kaleidoscope quilts can look so different depending on the way they are colored. I gave away the one I made, and need to make another someday.

  7. I must say I adore the colors in this quilt. It is begging to be snuggled up under.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....