Friday, May 28, 2010

Weaving and Quilting Bliss

One waffle weave towel finished and the next color well on its way.  It is so nice to weave when it goes well....
The quilting gave me no fits.  I got all 9 yards of backing sewn together and loaded on the frame; ditto the other layers. 
Off to a great start on the quilting. This will be a project for a while, heavy quilting but results just make me sing!
(Fighting off a cold so I am moving slowly but I am moving and for that I am grateful!)


  1. Life does seem to sing when things are going well!

  2. No cold!!!

    I live the quilt and the towels.

    Have you seen the newest issue of Handwoven? I'm very interested in the study group!

  3. Two gorgeous projects in one post!! The quilt has come together beautifully!!


  4. The quilt is so pretty. Is that long arm quilting?

    I love the colors of your waffle weave towels.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....