Monday, June 28, 2010

Some Sewing Time with Daughter

We pieced more children's quilts again and Marsel got hers finished except for handsewing the binding which she will do on the way home......
She is doing this right now......
I put my quilt on the frame and will give it a go tomorrow afternoon.  A good distraction from the quiet house.
I finished putting the buttons on the little boy's sweater!  Now to get it in the mail!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Family worship; a privilege to savor.
Airport woes.........Matthew is flying back with them for a week's vacation!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Making the MOST of the LAST Day!

We girls played jewelry this morning and made some beaded bracelets.
The bulk of the day was spent in the pool as the temps passed 100F again today!
Bruce and Marsel found a water fountain for Bill and I at a garage sale in GA and brought it to us!  It is a wonderful accent in the pool area!  I am sure we will be seeing Nyki investigating it!
Bill and Jared and David put together a shelter for the boat; it needed a bit of protection from the sun more than from the rains!
Speaking of which, we haven't had any again for quite a number of days but Bill has been watering the lawns and the rain lilies thought it was a good enough reason to bloom again!  Beautiful.
Krystle and Abigail worked together on a hat for Abigail.  Krystle crocheted it......
and Abigail gets to keep it!  A perfect arrangement that makes them both happy!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Golfin' and Goofin'

The men all got ready for a big day of golf together!  This is a three generation golf game-David's first initiation of going to play real golf on the golf course.

The girls had friends over and visited the puppies and then hung out in the pool, ate lunch by the pool and then swam some more.........
it was a wonderful way to spend the day together!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hanging Out at Home

The girls did
 all day........
while the guys warmed up for their golfing date.
Krystle learned how to crochet some booties to match the hats she made.

We are loving the leisure time together!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Birthday, Husband!

We decided to spend the day at the beach today but first needed to stop at Wally's for some freon because the truck's a/c was getting a bit wimpy.
The beach was beautiful and warm and Abigail declared the water, "Delicious!"  Even we girls went in the waves to get wet!  We had a great time baking in the sun!
Back home to clean up and then off to eat dinner at Scicily's on Crescent Lake..........

We were too full for cake when we got home but told Bill we wanted to sing him his birthday song on the front porch....he thought it was odd but he is pretty glad to cooperate when his daughter asks him for something!
Happy Birthday dear Billy......... a song and then WHAM!  with some silly string!  We wanted to make this 59th year a memorable one!
He sure was surprised!  You can say he has strong family ties........!
 (My husband is king of corn and that line was for him!)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Just Being Together

Krystle and I got the house whipped into shape to welcome the McKees and then we sat and did some of this to wait for their arrival. (No, it is not an announcement for her and Jared, but it is for a friend who is due next month!)   Bill and Jared went and bought the groceries and got home just in time for hugs!
David and Jared are very similar in personality and they sure did get some great one on one time.
We did a long family pool cool down time and then when the rains started, we came in to eat.
Krystle made another hat this evening-she sure catches on fast!  This is a crochet pattern I had figured out from looking at a picture a few months ago!
This little guy is a hit with one and all! 

Saturday, June 19, 2010

All You Can Eat

Today we went to the big city, Orlando,
to an all you can eat lobster/seafood restaurant
called Boston Lobster Fest.

We did......
It was such a good time!
What a nice way to end the day.  (Except for saying goodbye to Caleb who had to go back home for work!)

Friday, June 18, 2010

It's About Water

We went for a boat ride this morn from Crescent Lake to Dunn's Creek and
up the St Johns so we managed to stop at Corky Bells for lunch!
We all got sunkissed in the heat , so when we got home we cooled off in the pool!  
 Matthew got here just in time for a swim and is here for the weekend to join in the fun!

Another thunderstorm rolled through right after this........we have hit our summer pattern of a t-storm every afternoon.  (Temps that reach 100F do that to ya!)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Arrival Day!

We finished hooking up the new water system(Terminox)--NO MORE IRON STAINS OR SULPHUR SMELLS!  (This is in the breezeway, in the area that will be closeted off this Fall when we conclude the building project!)
Then we packed the knitting (the suffolk/bunny undercoat fur blended yarn and the 198 yd shawlette pattern from Ravelry) and headed off to the airport-a two hour drive.
Ahhhhhh, hugs and talking and laughing and just being!  It is going to be a great 10 days!
(Jared, Krystle and Jackie arrive from Seattle-Caleb is here for four days, Matthew comes Friday afternoon for the weekend and Bruce,Marsel and the kids arrive Sunday-just come and visit the Depot we call home!)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Oh, Yeah.....

I had a lot of help this afternoon.  I was so close to finishing the binding but how do you wake up a tuckered out kitty?!
Here it is on the bed and I am sure I will sleep better knowing that color is all around me!
I will try to get a pic with Bill holding it up tomorrow but it is big so I don't know if that will work this time!  (King-sized!)
I wound a warp this afternoon.........I wound each ball of yarn until it was gone.  What freedom not to have to count!  I did have a plan for the color arrangement but that was based on how many skeins of each color so that was easy, too.
The warp went right onto the loom-I did learn the meaning of the phrase 'sticky warp'.  This single ply yarn really loved on its neighbors!
  I finally tired out my helper and got so much more done when I did!
This was going to be the double weave project but I did not have enough yarn to do that so I am just weaving up the Malabrigo because it will be pretty.  Nice to weave without constraints or restraints. (This will be the perfect project for having a house full of family-yup, soon my quiet haven will be full of visiting children! )
I had a nice conversation with this guy on the way back from getting my mail.  He was eating weeds so is a very welcome guest.  (Gopher turtle)
The front yard is full of color like this!  So nice to have hibiscus back in the garden.


The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...