Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Great Visit Recap

 Since we were gathered, we decided to celebrate Caleb's birthday a week early.  
 The kids helped decorate the Christmas tree.  Since we go to Georgia for our Christmas, they never get to see our tree or decorations so we had great fun arranging and hanging things together.
 The JD sure did love all the new smells and decorations!
 Puff wasn't sure about it, but Nyki promptly took her napping position and settled in for the night!
 I have started a new pair of socks for Bill, this out of the rocket popsicle yarn.

 Everyone has left, the house is put back in order and quiet once again rules........

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hanging Around!

We are filling our days with tons of family time.   Lots of ping pong tournaments are going around!
 Matthew and Marsel helped me measure out and paint the shuffle board area of our pool decking!
(I have very sore muscles from my hour of playing and losing!)
 These guys are enjoying a dip every afternoon in the very refreshing water!
 The girls did some sewing today in between playing shuffleboard, making two more purse organizers.
 I finished knitting the fingerless mitts to match the hat.
 Dinner tonight at Scicily's-the best thin crust pizza south of NY!
And no matter how old your 'kids' get, they still stir a momma's heart when they fall asleep on the couch!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Now therefore, our God, we thank Thee and praise Thy glorious Name...1 Chronicles 29:13
I hope you have a wonderful day, savoring the best things in your life with those you love.
God has certainly made all things possible in our lives for us to know Him.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Prep Day

The kids wanted to test the pool first thing when they arrived yesterday.  The water was chilly at 74F but they had a grand time.
Even Uncle Caleb joined them for a swim!
Today, the guys took off for a game of golf!
So the ladies began our day of baking; pies and rolls and side dishes for tomorrow. 
We managed to cook tonight's meal and most of the other oven dishes for tomorrow.
 I even managed to finish knitting the hat!  What a great day to start off our time together!  Off to church..........remember to take the time to thank the Provider of all you possess, for the many blessings we enjoy!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Anticipated Invasion

I am puttering around the house getting ready for some Georgian travellers to arrive........

.....and some sons to come from Jacksonville way!

The larders are filled and the beds are made..........

Family here.........it is such a wonderful blessing!
On the knitting front, I have finished and overdyed pink socks to tuck in the Christmas box before someone sees them before she is supposed to!
The white cotton scarf is off the loom and ready to be worn!
A Gator hat on the needles.......Are they here yet........?!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

What a Day!

I met a new spinning friend this week and we had an adventure today! We took our spinning wheels and some wool and went to the PowWow at the Pioneer Settlement in Barberville. What a lovely time we had! We got to demonstrate spinning to visitors and even helped two novice spinners join the ranks of yarn makers!. It was a lovely way to get to know each other!  While I didn't get any pics of us spinning, I did get some of the Native Americans,  the Timucua .
 Beautiful costumes....
........ men and women were there for the PowWow.
 There were many items for sale related to their culture.  The animal skins were beautiful but we didn't see any fiber to spin!
 Later in the day, I saw this Rain Tree and just wanted to add it to the post; isn't it a beautiful tree!?
I spun up another skein of Gator colored yarn-it was fun to hear comments on team, of better color choices or cheers for my selection! 
I was introduced to some brown cotton, seeds, fiber and a cotton boll.  I have one final hope to learn to love spinning this fiber!
One sock done and the other loaded on the needles!  What a great day!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Fall is Here

 This is our dogwood tree, it is turning color and looking like it is Autumn!  We are starting to see robins and that is a sure sign that the season has changed.  The nights are in the 50's and the days in the mid 70's.  Just about perfect!
 Out by the pond, this poplar is a beautiful array of color for here.  The little tree to the left is a maple.  You can see the goldenrod in the front left is just about done with its golden color.
 Mums are doing their thing throughout the yard.
 Bill has been continuing his work on the pond.  He has about doubled the size of it with his trusty tractor.
 But he still needs me on occasion to pull him out of a tough spot!
 It is good to be needed!
 I finished the Gator fan socks.
 And immediately cast on for a second pair; I will be overdyeing these with some pink.  This is the third attempt for these; the first they were too wide, the second too narrow and now, they are just right.  I will call them Goldilocks' socks!
I also UNweaved all 18" of this scarf.  The colors acted like their neighbor had cooties; they just didn't sit well with each other....
I used the rest of the plant fiber samples I had previously spun and this is just a beautiful blend of natural colors and work well with each other!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Soles and Shawl

 I finished the mystery shawl called Moonpaths.  It blocked out to 30" deep and 56" long.
   Here it is laying down on the pool patio.  (It doesn't have a point at the top, it is just how I got it to hang on the patio screen!)
 I finished a pair of socks which will be a Christmas present so I have altered the color so it will remain a surprise....
 The Gator fan socks are knitting right along-isn't it interesting how the yarn is working up?  The color changes every half skein which ends up working a single row of each color with the bit of white between you can see how it spirals around the sock.  Couldn't have planned it like this but it is good information to have.
PuffDaddy just had to inspect the shawl.........he loves on it and likes it for naps.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Color Sated

Hit the dyepot in a little different way this time.  I tried to get a two color result in one skein so put 1/2 in a mason jar and put it in the sun to heat!
 My first batch didn't work right-it came out more red than orange and I had to try again!  I am calling this skein a popsicle rocket.  Remember those popsicles you ate as a kid?  Bill we be getting these socks.
 The second batch turned out the right color of orange and blue.    
  I even dyed another bit of roving to match the last skein of yarn so there is enough to make mittens and hat.

The Gator yarn is wound up in a ball and ready to be knit into a pair of socks for a special Gator fan.
Bill brought these in today-radishes from the garden-just so crisp and tart!  Delicious.
The other fruit are persimmons.  I have never eaten one but will try one now.  The color is just right for this color sated day.


The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...