Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Full Day

 It was so much fun to make these string pieced quilt blocks, that I made 8 more this morning and will be turning them into a tote.........stay tuned!
 Out by the pool, the shrimp plants are in bloom and resting against their neighbor, the cactus roses!
 Another day lily is in bloom........incredible!
 All the color got my color juices going and I decided to use up the dyes left over from the silk dyeing Mom and I did in March.   I decided to try a different approach in the dyeing....I divided the roving visually and dyed a third of each a different color.  This will give me a long repeat of each color in one skein of yarn. 
 I have a plan for these two hanks of roving!  I think they are going to be hats....or mitts.
 I finished another garterlac dishcloth and have the second one on the needles. 
 I cast on for a differnt kind of summer sweater-more on this later.
The two rovings are all dried and ready for some spinning which will happen another day as I have run out of time!
Time to join the cats in their favorite activity, well second fav activity (the first is eating!) and go to sleep!


  1. Day Lilies already!?! I am so jealous as all we seem to have here is rain, rain, rain, rain. Love how well your shawls turned out! It is absolutely gorgeous!

  2. Oh, grrr, we never did the garterlac together! I never thought about it again until I saw this post. Oh well, now we'll just have to schedule another visit... :)

    Love the colors of the roving; the color combinations are very pleasing.

    You knew the string blocks weren't out of your system yet...

  3. Wow..I love those blocks..great colour. Can't wait to see your tote! You get so much inspiration in Florida with all the natural colours around you..lucky you!! We are just starting to see that here. Mind you that will come along faster when it STOPS RAINING!! Ugh!!
    Keep dry..lol...Judi

  4. I love the blocks very tropical and the roving is just great, I can't wait to see you spin it up.

  5. I was just thinking about all that colour when you brought up the subject in talking about your dyeing! Such fun! Pity we live so far apart - I would love to share a play day with you!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!