Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Smoke Signals

Bill cut the roof out for the fireplace chimney!  A perfect cut!
 Of course, it will all have to be framed in, but it is installed and almost ready for inspection.
 I knit these fingerless mitts from some mohair I had spun several years ago.  Very heavy, soft and warm!
 I also used the alpaca I spun last year to knit these mitts-a free pattern from Ravelry called Diamond and Feather Mitts.  I did have to make quite a few changes but that is typical of this knitter.  They are very, very soft.  I am sure I will get to use them when in NY next month!
 The cats like the incomplete rug already-and they lie right on the warmest spot, too!
Even though the temperatures are still very warm, the first signs of fall are all around us.  There are thousands of acorns on the laurel oak tree.  (No, I am not feeling tons better yet, the medicine is helping but I feel like I am only a shadow of my real self.........)


  1. Glad there are some things coming together even though you have both been feeling so rotten...

  2. I still think you are the most productive sick person I have ever known.

  3. Sorry you haven't been feeling well. I hope you're all better sooner rather than later!

    The knitted mitts are so pretty & delicate. I shold do something like that for indoors in the winter here! We've been burning wood in the fireplace at night, & the heater has been running for 3 weeks now.

    You will enjoy your fireplace on cool evenings.

    I love the hooked rug project. I have one of those lost somewhere, but I think I only had about a 4 inch circle completed on it!

  4. Sorry to hear you are still not well; I can relate to that myself! However, you are much more productive than I!

  5. You know you now have to finish the rug just for the kitties:)


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We took a day to go to downtown Jacksonville to the MOSH and expose the kids to some smiling adults instead of sobbing ones. We had a very g...