Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Stitch and Day Two Fireplace

 Bill got the insulation pretty much removed, cut out the 2 x 6's and ran into a little glitch with wiring.
Where there is a will, there will be a way!  He thinks he has a plan!
I am working a pair of plain socks in the blue faced leicester wool I spun in July.  I am well on the way of the second sock, too; I have turned the heel and begun the ribbing-the yarn is so soft and silky-a real delight to knit!  The color is working up nicely also-very pretty but the two socks will not match exactly-a good exercise for me!


  1. Fraternal socks have their place too! :)

    Man, you can knit socks fast!

  2. nice colours on your sock - I wouldn't mind a different outcome on the second one, as long as the colour scheme is close enough... and I am glad that we don't have any larger indoor jobs just now, it always seems to go along with a lot of dust all over the place:)) good to see you feel better though!

  3. "Fraternal socks" -- that's a great way to put it!

    Glad to see the fireplace in progress...may the glitches be few and far between...!

  4. I have been knitting and sleeping and knitting and sleeping and ... limited eating so some good may come of this yet!


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