Friday, September 23, 2011

Third Time's the Charm

 It has been a hard week again, I finished the sock knitting which aren't needed until next week for a birthday surprise.  The variegations gave two very distinct patterns for the socks-so much fun to knit!
While digging in the sewing room for a 'lost' project, I rediscovered this hooked rug in progress.  I enjoyed working on this yesterday, enjoying the rain and not moving much!  My present mode of existence!  The strips are cut 1/8" narrow so it is slow work but it is relaxing and not too taxing-just right for my mental status!

I gave in and went to the doctor's again today, some steroids, a shot of antibiotic and a bottle of the same, I hope to be gaining on this drama.  I also went in for x-rays of my head-keep the jokes to yourself, I am not in a frame of mind to laugh yet, to determine if there are polyps which is the cause of the sinus pressure.  Will get the results on Monday.  I am being grateful for the medicine to help me make this sinus adventure a thing of the past!


  1. This has been a really bad year for sinus and allergies. My grandson ended up in the hospital with what looked like a 4 day migraine--after catscan and spinal-tap--it was determined to be sinus/allergies.Do you rinse out your sinus with the Sinus Rinse--my son swear by it. Hope you are feeling better. Sharon

  2. My Bill has had polyps removed twice now. His snoring has stepped it up a pace, and that is usually an indicator they are coming back.

    Love how the socks turned out and I hope to see the hooked rug finished soon. Looks like a lovely design!

  3. Interesting about those socks. The legs look similar, but they went wildly radical on the feet.

    Poor Cindy! I do hope you get to feeling better. This has lasted far too long.

  4. Love the sock colors. Is this the sort of rug hooking that was popular during the "macrame craze"?

    You would think Bill would be the one that the Dr. would send for a head x-ray. We've all wondered a long time what goes on in that particular noggin. (make sure you tell him I said that)

    I hope things go well, so that there's an end to this madness.

  5. I am still taking antibiotics but found the thing that gave me fastest relief was a product called "Flo" - basically a saline nose douche!

    Hope you're feeling completely better soon.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!