Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday Accomplishments

 We put the dining room back in order for a few days to see how the new layout would work.
 So nice to have traffic flow in the room now.
 Bill had to fill the cement blocks with cement so the flooring can go down next week.
 Nice to have all the jobs ticked off his list!
 I spent a lot of time in the kitchen and the sewing room today.  I haven't done any embroidery in a long time but after a few false starts, put everything in motion again.
 I plied some more cotton yarn while waiting to change thread colors of the machine embroidery-this cotton was picked from the bolls, separated from the seeds and  then combed by me-it is a bit lumpier than the processed roving but it turned out nicely.  Boiling will have to wait until next week!
 I sewed two pillowcases for some young friends' birthdays tomorrow.
 And I loaded up the last of the men's suit sample quilts.  This one is backed with polar fleece, too.
 The embroidery off the machine-this is for a friend who saw this tote for sale but the word  Grandma needed to be replaced with Nana for it to be appropriate for her family!  Nice to be able to do the embroidery again!
I don't know why some skills get pushed to the back burner for a while!
 I knitted up the cotton sample for the FiberBinderClub-I am pleased to say that the notebook is all complete for 2011 and I am ready for next year!
 I made one dishcloth this evening while I wait for Caleb and Cassandra to arrive for a visit!
The Christmas cactus add a festive touch to the front door.
The poinsettias are doing their thing just in the nick of time!  So pretty!
I helped Bill put up our ice cycle lights!  Marsel gave these to us last year but they never made it up-I like this kind of ice cycle very much and am grateful  there is only a 1% chance of real ones for my Christmas this year!


  1. Taking a photo of lights in daylight - now why didn't I think of that instead of my wonky night shots?

    Your lights look lovely. You and Bill are always so busy but never seem flustered!

  2. Oh, I love how pretty the house looks with Christmas lights! Did you get them to stop blinking?! :) Love how the flora is adding to the Christmas spirit, too.

    So exciting to see all of the house progress...

  3. Love your Xmas decorations-but, as a "former" Northerner--don't you find it odd-not to see snow with all the decorations up. Not that you mind of course. Sharon


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 Knocked down with another migraine this week-let's add vertigo and vomiting with this one!  Fun. Marsel bought me this pad of watercolo...