Saturday, December 31, 2011

Closing Out 2011

 David enjoyed the job of crushing all the soda cans we emptied over our week of festivities! ( The price of aluminum has gone up enough to make it worth the saving. )
 Abigail enjoyed Wizard of Oz while Marsel and I sewed on her new quilt.  (We did finish all the blocks of an old one first!)
 Civil War reproduction prints in a two block quilt.  We worked out all the bugs so she can get to work on it at home!
 Bill found a surprise while spraying to kill some ant hills...........forget the ditty about red and yellow kill a fellow-it takes too long; remember black head, you're dead!  Bill has thumped it for my picture and then removed the head.  It was 28" long-good sized for this deadly coral snake.
All the Christmas decorations are taken down and put away for another year.  See how big the living room looks again!  I will be working on the tiles around the fireplace this week!
The last of my visiting family left this morning.  Always sad to transition to empty again.
But my brother and his wife are driving my parents down for the winter at the end of this week!  Yippee!


  1. your living room looks great--already for company again. I'm sure your Mom is ready for all your projects--and warm weather. sharon

  2. That's a scary snake!!! Yipes!!!

    Love those reproduction quilt fabrics! Very cool!

    Looks like you're totally ready for the new year, and for new company!!!


  3. I was excited to see you got your mantle! I'm glad you had a good visit with family.

  4. I'm glad everyone had a lovely time staying with you. Thank God Bill got the snake before it got him! Enjoy your parents' company.

    Our Christmas tree comes down on 6th January - it didn't go up until Christmas Eve so it seems a bit premature to take it down yet! Besides, we had our big family do yesterday, nine adults, two toddlers and a baby for a few hours over lunch!

  5. We had a wonderful, wonderful visit -- thank you so much. xo

    May that be the LAST coral snake that any of us ever see on your property -- ugh!!!

  6. I could have done with out that snake, thank you very much!! Mom

  7. the snake even has "dangerous" colours! luckily snakes don't exist over here, the myth is that St Patrick drove them all out into the sea! I'd love to take down the deco, but the guys in the house insist on waiting till the end of the week... you can put something nice on top of your new mantelpiece now! lovely room, esp. with the new floors and fireplace...
    enjoy the next batch of visitors:)

  8. What a wonderful visit you had and I love the quilt blocks.

    Your living room looks awesome!!!


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