Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013

 This was the one and only time that all of us were up and dressed at the same time.   It was a visit wrought with much sickness.
 This is David before he went lateral with fever.
 The kids enjoyed some sunshine every day to fill their lungs with some fresh air!
Ella enjoyed her outdoor time with mom and dad!
 Matthew hit the couch soon after arriving and so did Will....Ashley didn't get sick until her last day here!
 Abigail managed to do well here but got sick on the way home !
 Ella celebrated her 1st birthday;  her party was cancelled due to the house being full of sick people and not visitor worthy (the rest of Cassandra's family didn't want it, can you imagine that?!)
 We sang her birthday song-she thought we had lost our minds!   It was very funny!
 Bill and Jared avoided the virus the whole time-they did a lot of projects together-and even bought some new tires for our truck.
We took Aria and her family back to the airport.  Unfortunately, the trip was frought with delays and they didn't get home until the middle of the night.
 Today, I cleaned the house and washed all the bed linens.  Bill worked on the roof of the shed.
 Tomorrow, I plan on doing a LOT of this..........

Friday, December 27, 2013

Too Sick?

The first year we were here, our Calliandra bloomed but every year since, it has gotten frosted and killed back before the bloom had a chance to be admired.
 But the buds are all growing and beginning to open!
Aren't they just amazing?!
The Christmas Berries are all red, too!  All signs of Christmas.  In spite of how I feel, the plans marched forward to a great conclusion on Christmas day.....
Cookies got made, candy consumed, sneezes a-chooed and tissues filled........
 The kids liked the preparations and the audience of adults arrayed in loving attention!
I am glad we agreed to cut down on gifts this year.......
Musicians sharing a duet.
 Cousin power.........

We really are having a great time even though 11 of the 15 of us have varying degrees of this virus!
(I am back at the helm after getting a boost of antibiotics from the doctors yesterday for the bronchitis-I am upright again finally!!)

We will be trying to get some family groupings and a whole group picture tomorrow!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Family and Beach!!!

 We went to visit Caleb and Cassandra and Ella today.  Uncle Jared got some double love!
 After lunch, we visited the beach.  Aria wasn't too sure of the water - it wouldn't hold still!
 The beach sand was a hit, though.
 She ran for the longest distances just going, going and going!
 She left her mark in the sand........
 There was some beautiful beach detritus.
 Ella is just learning to walk;  so she tried to keep up with Aria.
 Oh, yeah!  I can walk!  It is hard to be steady on the soft sand!
 The C's know how to savor the beach time......
We made a good group on the beach;  I am counting my blessings....as they roll in all week!
This is what I am knitting-some easy Christmas-y dish cloths! 

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Progress happened all week against all odds!    I came down with a migraine over the weekend which did me in and then when that eased up, I came down with a head cold!    
Dishwasher is hooked up to electricity!
In spite of it all, the construction, shopping, cleaning, babysitting, wrapping and getting ready for company still took place!  Thank you , Lord for the stamina!

I smile every time I walk through my kitchen .  Still.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Pointedly Ribbed Fingerless Mitts Update

 The pattern is finally correctly downloaded on Ravelry if you would like to have this free pattern!
You can use your hand spun fingering weight yarn or commercially made for a fast and easy knitting project!  The ribbing makes for a very versatile fit!

(Just search under patterns on http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/knitting for the Pointedly Ribbed Fingerless Mitts and you will find the link to download the pdf-happy knitting!)

Saturday, December 14, 2013

One Year Already!

 On the knitting front, I am working under the radar so not much to share yet.
 The kitchen renovation is still in full swing!  It is shaping up.  Today we tackle the microwave/hooded vent!  Too much fun!
 Last night we had the privilege of sharing Will's first birthday!
 He handled all the attention pretty well!
 He didn't like getting too sticky at first!
 Then he started to warm up to the whole adventure!
 His favorite part was getting ice cream!
Oh, yeah.  He figured out how to enjoy it eventually!
 He was slow to the whole opening idea but did like his cards and bonuses!
 This present from his mom and dad was the hit of the night!
He vacuumed the rest of the night~

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Progress is Slow but Steady

 I have been without a kitchen sink and therefore no kitchen water this week.....it gave a whole new twist to washing in the creek!  (BTW, it didn't work and I had to rewash everything setting up in the bathroom and using the tap water!  I forgot that the pool water is salt water and it just didn't rinse well!  Live and learn!))
 The sink installation  took all day yesterday but by evening;

 I had water!  And a new deep sink.......very gratifying.
 In between flurries of activity cleaning and helping Bill, I accomplished some spinning and swatching for the Fiber Binder Club with some Pygora and
 Mohair.  The Pygora is definitely softer by a little but they were both a good spin and knit!
Today, we conquer the dishwasher!


The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...