Wednesday, May 25, 2022


Yesterday, I had a very cool vase off the lathe! But I did not like the way the inside turned out and I decided to put it back on the lathe to do a better job hollowing it out.
Unfortunately, the cracks in the wood did not stand up to the stress of additional work.
So I turned it into a bowl!  I didn't want to end up with nothing after the work of my first project on the lathe since December!
One side still has the bark on the bowl
 which makes it a very pretty and unique bowl.
I just love the look of 'real' wood being used. 
 The bowl is 6" across and 5" tall.
It is made from wild olive wood.
I got brave and painted in the journal Kim made me--
the lighthouse is painted on the back --
--of this windmill on page 1. 
 I will enjoy filling this with paintings from different regions!


  1. The bowl is beautiful! I've got quite a few watercolor journals but I am too intimidated to use them. I just know I'll do something awful in them and have to look at it

  2. Beautiful bowl!! The watercolors are very pretty as well.

  3. I'm sorry about the vase as it was very pretty but then you still turned it into another work of art. Love the bark still on the bowl. A nice first project back to the lathe.
    And the lighthouse and windmill are just gorgeous. I do envy your talent at so many things, especially painting. I can't draw a stick figure to save my life! :-) Your paintings are wonderful.

  4. I’m glad you were able to transform the vase into this beautiful bowl.

  5. What a save!! And the bowl looks like it was intended all along. And as always, lovely artwork.

  6. Very nice little bowl! Love the paintings too!

  7. Nice work! I thought of you on our walk the other day when we saw a tree with a big lump on it. I'll bet you could have turned it into something pretty! Glad you are able to do this again! Nice paintings, too.


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