Sunday, November 3, 2024


 Facing death does something to you physically, mentally and spiritually, to say the least.  For most of the time, eternity is way out there and so we can push it out of our mind.  
Twice now I have been 'gone' and brought 'back' and I think about the fact I don't want to leave my family, yet I do know where I will spend eternity so I am sad about still being alive but happy, too.  See what I mean, it is hard.  And being alive means a lot of pain and pushing yourself to look ahead to see a reason for all of this.  

This is where my faith comes in;  the anchor for me, 
the person of Jesus Christ in the Scriptures. Who provides the prolonging for my days and I trust him for the reason I am still here and also provides my hope for the future
 even through these hard days.
 In my prone state, I came across a woman who clearly shares the Scriptures and adds a bit of artwork to her journal pages. 
 I was intrigued.  I could work on my writing , which has suffered greatly these last few months, and my watercolor, which has been all but forgotten, while immersing my soul in sound truth.  
 Since Sept 9, I have shared my physical challenges, my mental struggles and I wanted to voice my spiritual beliefs with you also.  Thanks for listening and cheering me on, it means a lot.


  1. Thank you for sharing your beliefs. And I understand so much the want to be here with the family, but knowing where we are going, erases the fear of actual death. I joke my fabric will keep me alive until 180 - but, I am also confident in my faith, that if I don't make it that far, there is a great reward waiting ( heaven) Love that you so boldly share!!! Hugs!!

  2. As John Lennon said " whatever gets you thought the night is all right". As we grow older there are so many challenges that having something to help you through them is such a blessing. You also have a wonderful partner who seems to be keeping the home fires burning while you are recovering. I imagine he's achieved hero status by now.
    The Mister's brother was just diagnosed with Stage 3 lung cancer last week and is undergoing a serious surgery on Wednesday. He's been divorced for two years now but his ex wife has taken on the task of seeing him through all this. Generosity and caring such as this does restore your faith.

  3. I can’t imagine going through life without a loving and merciful God: that would be a miserable experience.

  4. I have had a similar experience when I was "brought back" when my heart stopped while I was undergoing a test at the cardiologists office. Apparently they were about to pronounce me dead when they tried one more time! Oh how I wanted to stay where I was. It was a wonderful experience. I was NOT afraid and I am not now afraid to die again. Jesus is waiting for those that believe in Him. But, apparently I had to do something else here on earth. I tell everyone, don't feel sorry for me when I go. I know now exactly where I'm going and who will be there waiting for me. For anyone who doesn't believe in Him, I urge you to investigate more fully. He's worth it. By the way, I had a pacemaker the next day!
    Blessings and love,

  5. Finding words that inspire your body and your soul is a blessing. Good for you.

  6. It makes all the difference. ❤️ -Marsel

  7. I think we need to share the good and the bad of our lives, it makes us human and extends the chance for us to lift each other up when needed. Prayers for your continued recovery.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!