Monday, November 4, 2024


I asked Bill to pick me up some dishcloth cotton and he bought me 6 skeins to keep me busy!  I keep thinking I should make some different ones but then I remember that learning something new right now is a bit of a slog so I make what my hands remember and can disengage the brain! lol  I make 2 dishcloths from a skein so they make a lovely thank you gift for those who brought meals!

Thank you for your kind words from yesterday's post;  and for sticking with me even though my posts have been sporadic of late!  



  1. Good job balancing all of the “ingredients” for a good formula. And I am proud of Dad for bringing you six skeins! :) -Marsel

  2. make that muscle memory work haha! Those are super great gifts, and so sweet that people can bring you meals

  3. Sending healing wishes your way.

  4. Really lovely washcloths. Nice color combos.

  5. I had to chuckle at your husband doing such a good job shopping. My husband would have been lost on that assignment.

  6. Isn't it wonderful that we have skills in us that we can fall back on when the body isn't able to move forward. When dad was in the nursing home, there was a woman who sat in her wheelchair in the common area and made hand motions all day. To the casual observer it looked spastic but I recognized what she was doing right off. She was knitting. It was quite remarkable.

  7. I'm glad you had something fun and productive to do when you aren't quite yourself. The dishcloths look great and cheers to bill for finding good colors for them. Prayers you'll soon be back to normal.

  8. Nice work on the washcloths! Would you consider sharing the pattern?

  9. Someday I'm going to make some dish cloths. I've got the yarn and some needles... just haven't tried them yet. Yours look nice.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!