Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Garage Floor and Spinning

Our sons are here for a working visit-they are painting the cement in Bill's garage and the front porch. I stocked up on groceries, homemade cookies and pizza!
Where these two work, there is laughter......they painted Bill into a trap as he was sprinkling the deco chips on the freshly painted areas! Bill put his back into spasm moving the sliding glass door into another area and so they were teasing him about getting out of this paint job! It is good to have them around!
I sat nearby so I could hear the banter and did some spinning.....finished up a bobbin of the Florida Native fleece blended with some Suri. It spun up nicely and the finished skein is so lofty. I will be dyeing it soon.
Last night I cut out the pieces for the Mystery Christmas quilt and put 2 blocks is going to be pretty! I will not be cutting in the evening again....I made so many stupid cutting mistakes! I did end up with the right number of pieces but it was a close call----quilter, know thyself! (My evening brain is not sharp enough to cut with!)
See the finished floor? It is gloomy out again today-2 days in a row without sunshine for us is so unusual! It is a good temperature for the guys to work in at least(67). I will get a sunny picture another day. Dinner and church calls.........more tomorrow.


  1. Those guys are always good for a laugh!

    What I can see of the floor looks great!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....