Thursday, January 29, 2009


The doorway is near completion........Dad put up the finishing boards and the sheetrock. It is going to be freezing temps again tonight so we keep a sheet up to help keep out the draft! We also had to change the livingroom around so that we could go out the doorway! This sectional will be going into the new room when it is ready but this works for now!
Mom finished her part of the tablerunner.....I have to load and quilt it!

I finished quilting the first flannel baby quilt; just have to bind it now.

Progress is being made on the nameless owner's fingerless glove..........I know that the first pic is blurry but Nyki stuck her paw in and it looked so cute I had to include it! This is how she helps me knit it each evening!

Mom and I went to her church yesterday for some sewing........we put together sleeping bags for the homeless shelter. We learned a lot and enjoyed the conversation of other women.


  1. Fun stuff! The textile everythings are all very pleasing.

    Love Nyki's help with the knitting...

  2. Our cat has never offered to help with the knitting! He will, however, take my needle cushion for a walk without asking! And he's very big on helping spin fleece! LOL


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.