Friday, January 23, 2009

Palm and Plum Trees

We had a full day yesterday! Both Matthew and Caleb came to visit their grandparents and spend the day-we all exercised our laugh lines! Matthew brought a NY visitor wanting to escape the perils of winter and since Randy spent so much time at our house previously, it was great to have him joining in again!
Nyki discovers the joys of a milk top ring! Bling benevolently supervises........
There are quite a few entrepreneurs selling their services door to door during these harder economic times. We had a visit from such a local father/son team and purchased 2 palm trees from them. They guarantee the trees will grow because they plant, fertilize and instruct you on how to care for them. When we first looked at this house-(5 yrs ago now!) we envisioned two Queen palms framing the sidewalk, welcoming all to our home. Today, we got another dream fulfilled!
When Caleb had to leave last night, he turned around and came back in to say that it is really neat to walk out between such beauties! What do you think?

As for the other tropical beauties in our yard, the brutal frosts have taken their toll. The good news is that most of the plants are beaten down but not destroyed; they will grow back and recover in just a few months. Take a tour..........
the banana trees......
the hibiscus tree...
the kalanchoes... the urn of wandering jew........

Marsel's poinsettia....
The garden took a beating........the peas and beets were all burned but look like they will recover; the green beans which we were just beginning to nibble on look like they will not.
But the seasons, they just keep on ..........look at the radiance of the Florida Native Plum tree in bloom! Now doesn't that just uplift your spirit?!


  1. Oh my goodness, Mom, the new palms are breathtaking!!!

    I'm glad you shared those and the plum tree in bloom to temper the sadness of seeing the frostbitten plants...

  2. I like the palm trees, and I like Randy, and Uncle Matthew, and Uncle Caleb.

    I'm sorry that some of your stuff died in the cold freezes. I like your new palm trees in front of your house.

    Love, David

  3. It's amazing how resilient some plants can be!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.