Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I have been distracted............

This arrived on Thursday afternoon-Grandkids! And the pace has picked up around here!

We picked oranges at a friend's tree.
We sit and talk and laugh and tell stories and watch the kids and get sun-kissed.
(We taught my sister to knit!!!-this is a milestone!)
Mom played 'dress-up jewelry with Abigail.
And investigated a sanddollar with David.
The new baby goats next door get a visit and a snuggle!
Alicia and Amanda make quick friends with the new kids!
I finished my bamboo scarf-it is so soft and drapey! (and twice as long as my Mom's!)

I am using the last little bit of the bamboo skein to make a headband from KnitPicks. Lace and quick and beautiful ..........


  1. Sitting in the sun knitting, what paradise that must be... Love the bamboo scarf too, lovely colour.

  2. The scarf looks lovely and soft.

    Congrats to your sister on learning to knit.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!