Wednesday, February 18, 2009

An Orchid

Matthew brought me an last one , which had been hanging outside, got zapped by the frosts. Thank you , Son.


  1. What a sweet and thoughtful guy!

  2. Very beautiful.

    My dad collected orchids until a few years ago the frost got them all - and they were in the shade house!

  3. LOL!! Oh, my, thank you for showing me what that alien thing I got at the hospital should have been!!

    My poor aunt sent me what I think was supposed to be exactly like your orchid, but for some reason they Fed-Exed it across the entire country to MN, and it obviously froze solid at some point or other, so what I got was a few dead leaves and this very "Nightmare Before Christmas"-looking curled stick with round black deaths-heads dangling limply from it.

    It did make me laugh, though - imagine deliberately sending such a thing to someone in the hospital!

    (Hopefully poor Auntie got her money back...)


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.