Monday, May 17, 2010

Rainy Monday

We are enjoying some much needed showers here.  Since it was so wet out, I looked for some inside activities....... sewing.  Piecing to be exact.
I pieced the rest of the blocks for the quilt for my room and then sewed them together for the top.  (56 12 1/2" blocks in a 8 x 7 lay out)  I will add two borders tomorrow-one narrow one in the cinnamon strips and the other, a wide one in the browns.  I did not lay out the blocks first to find placement-I usually play with this step for days before I leave it alone.  Not this time.  I made a pile of the two blocks (pink corners and brown corners) and just took them in the order of the pile and sewed away-very daring for me!  There are so many different prints that this would work out for me.
I also pieced the beginnings of a table runner for the diningroom table.  I cut up two 1/2 yard pieces into strips and then biased pieced them at both ends.  After spinning the tubular strips the way I liked the color placement, I cut apart the ends and sewed them all together side by side.  This results in a long (2x the width of the fabric) strip and so I am not sure if I am done cutting it up and sewing it together yet!!!  I was inspired for this project from a quilt done by CJ of a Stitch & a Prayer.  I am not done with this experiment either!  I am picturing a lot of my scraps done randomly in this fashion.
Bill got the new ceiling fan/light installed in the kitchen!  We have been without since the ceiling was sheetrocked several months ago-it sure is nice to have both accessories back in working order!


  1. Oh, you didn't tell me the quilt top was pieced -- it's wonderful!

    The table runner idea is intriguing. We'll have to play around with that.

    Nice to have some more inside progress on the house again, too!

  2. That quilt is so cool. I really like the colors. It looks difficult to put together though. LOVE your runner, glad that I could be of some inspiration to YOU!
    We finally got some rain and some thunder this afternoon. It smelled so good.mmmmmmmm

  3. Don't you love it when it rains - much needed water for the earth and a good excuse to stay indoors and play!

    We are having a raining Tuesday - it's 16.7*C (62*F) so I'm rugged up and will shortly return to the surprise bedsocks for DD I currently have on my needles! Three blog posts to read first!

  4. I don't believe how you do patchwork! "oh, I just pieced this and that together and woosh, just add a few borders here and there" - it takes me ages to cut the fabric and even longer to piece it all together (no quilts on my beds:(()... it's raining here as well, but I have no finished quilts to show for it:))

  5. Love, love, love the quilt!! You are so good at that, I can't even cut a straight line without assistance LOL.. Nice to have rain, even nicer to work indoors.

  6. The quilt for your room is turning out wonderful and will look perfect in there with the color of the walls. It seems that throwing caution to the wind worked exceptionally well.

    The runner is nice too.

    Congrats on a new ceiling fan to clean! (We'd go back to candles if I had my way!)

    Wasn't it so nice to get the rain we needed?


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....