Monday, January 10, 2011

Fiber Club

I have enrolled in a new adventure for this year, TheFiberBinderClub.  Each month I receive a fact sheet for a particular breed of sheep or  fiber which includes the fiber raw, washed and an ounce to spin for sampling.  There are also links for buying additional fiber, if I so desire. 
This is going to be a great way to record info on sheep and learn about the different breeds!  I will look forward to sharing this each month!
(For info or questions,


  1. Fun! I look forward to seeing it when I visit you. :)

  2. That seems like a great way to learn about how different fibers spin up into yarn!

    Have fun!

  3. great idea! our group did a "fibre book" some time ago, where every member prepared info and fibres for one chosen fibre, in as many samples as we had participants. in the end everyone had one sheet/fibre of each breed. the downside: you received a big box full of stuff and I have to admit that some of them are still lying about in a corner:(( if you do it weekly or monthly maybe it's easier to keep track of - and be inspired to work on it? have fun - I find it very interesting and look forward to see your results!

  4. Looks very interesting - I'm looking forward to hearing about what you learn as you go along!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!