Thursday, December 15, 2011


 The doorways are all taped off and mobility is definitely impaired around here!
 The cats were very confused with our new traffic patterns!
 This morning when I had to walk around the front to the garage to come in the back way to my sewing room-I had a moment of panic that it was taped off, too!  The guys took the extra time and made it able to be opened for me!  Now that is kindness!  (The cookies I feed them helps their disposition, too!)
 I was able to finish the stocking marathon!  Bill and I already have ours, Marsel made ones for her family and is bringing them and now everyone else is represented!  Now all we need is the fireplace mantel!
 After lunch, I did some more on the quilt-and I did a lot of lay down time because I have come down with another cold!
This is why the guys had the new rooms closed off-they sanded everything and then used their sheet rock sprayer to apply texture to all the new surfaces!
I received a huge box of fabric from a blog friend, Benita, and the cats immediately inspected the emptied box!  She has two new kitties who sent feline messages to my guys!  Thank you so much for the additions to my fabric stash-I need another shelf just for your yardages!


  1. The stockings came out great!

    It's exciting to see every step of progress in the house.

    Your new fabrics look like fun -- I want to paw through them and look at them all for the sheer joy of it when I come!

    Rest up -- you have a major invasion coming soon! xo

  2. Beautiful stockings, & I love the snowflakes quilting!

    I also love the cat-in-a-box. Too cute!

  3. The stockings look fabulous and. like Marsel, I am enjoying the in-progress posts. What a lovely box of fabric. Was that quilting freehand or by panto? It's absolutely gorgeous!

    Get well soon.

  4. What is it with cats and boxes? When I was sorting out fabric and trying to load the boxes up, I had a terrible time keeping Pete and Dylan out of the boxes. Yes, I am sure your fellow smells my fellows in there.

    I love your stockings! That look so fun to make and what an awesome way to use up scraps.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....