Friday, April 12, 2013

A Pair of Flamingos

 I finished the second sock and made some changes along the way.  I didn't like the way the bigger pair fit-the heel was still too hard to pull on.  There is a reason that two color socks have a plain heel and toe-they are too bulky and do not have enough stretch when they are knit with two colors to fit well.  I didn't mean to reinvent the wheel over this but now I know why it is done this way!  Experience is a good teacher!
 I ripped out the first sock so that I could knit the heel again in just the white and moved right along to make that second one!  I finally have two flamingo socks ready to roost!  What a journey. The good news is that I have enough yarn left to make another pair!   After a few days........
 Bill's sister and brother -in-law with their friend , Esther, came for a visit from Vero Beach!
They wanted to see Bill after his surgery and brought him a dish of galumpkies to perk him up.
It was good to have Barbara scold him as only a big sister can because he is not staying off his feet!
He is walking around with the big ice packs on his feet so it will help with the swelling!  My man...
 (The surgery was to smooth the bones on the top of his feet where some bone growths have put too much pressure on the nerve that lays near the top.  The incision is 4" long on each foot-looks a bit Frankenstein-ish but the surgery has given him the relief from the nerve pain that he needed!
His foot wear for the next few weeks......if I can keep him down!)


  1. First, I have a question. What are galumpkies?

    The socks looks so cute! I like the white heel best, anyway. I think it makes the flamingos stand out more.

    Is there something Bill likes doing while sitting still? Maybe teach him how to knit. ;)

  2. I think the shorter socks go well with a summery motif like flamingos! and I agree with benita, that they stand out more with the white heel...
    and good luck to Bill - the scars with the sutures look awful, but it won't be long until they fade - and I hope with them the pain will go, too! not easy to make them sit down for long, is it?:)

  3. What a nice visit!

    I'm glad you're finally happy with the socks. :)

  4. The socks look great -- I'm glad you're happy with them now!

    It seems Big Sister needs to visit more often to keep Bill under control!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!