Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Putting it All Together

  As soon as the house maintenance was complete this morning, I sewed the backing (navy texture print) and loaded all the layers on the frame.  I take as long to pick out the design for the pantograph as I do to load it all!  
 I needed a design that would :  remain as background and not be too showy, be masculine , work with all the different colored and designed blocks and still be pleasant to stitch!  No easy task.
I am using a variegated thread in blues.
 And I am pleased with the way it works with all the different blocks from plain .....
 to busy.  It is stitching through all the layers just beautifully, too, which is a huge relief not to have tension, thread or stitching issues, as you can imagine!
On our last JoAnn's trip, I found this olive green silky print on sale for 1/2 off which had my name on it-big time.  I had some plain olive lining fabric in the stash so the skirt is lined, elastic waist and ready to wear in an hour-I do like this pattern which is no longer in print but looks like this!  (There was enough to make  a scarf to match which I sew in a spiral for a bias scarf)
Tonight, I finished the sock!  On to the second sock which will be the 7th flamingo sock, if you were counting!
Big grey is filling out and learning to relax.  He is a beauty!


  1. I really love that quilt. It will be the envy of all his friends.

    No name for the gray cat, yet?

  2. The quilt is looking great. I love that the quilting pattern is reminiscent of ocean waves, which is perfect for my beach-loving brother. :)

    Your new outfit is pretty, too -- what a nice pick-me-up.

    When I first saw the cat picture up, I wondered how you got a picture of Molly. I'm not used to Big Gray being part of the clan yet!

  3. Big Gray? Guess I didn't hear about that one. Bill out scouting for strays again? Ha Love, Mom p.s. the t-shirt quilt is a work of art and LOVE

  4. Never a dull moment at your place! I haven't used my quilting frame in over a year now -- shocking waste of money!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.