Saturday, October 18, 2014

Pleasing Pursuits

 I have been in an organize and throw out mood.   I took all the handspun yarn from this bookcase because Stormie keeps stealing it and tangling skeins.
 I pulled out a bunch (40) of mohair/acrylic blend skeins and bagged them up for quick sale when we have the community yard sale in a few weeks.  The basket on the left is holding cards of sample buttons from a men's wear factory 20 years ago!
 I arranged all my handspun yarn with the rest of the yarn in the empty spots.   Now I can see what I have and it is pretty for the eyes!
 I am not usually a procrastinator but this was one project I put off for almost a year!  It was a beloved hat and the wool got nibbled by a family pet and it needed a major repair.   I seam ripped it all apart, made patterns from the old and was able to save the rim and the lining.  Like most projects you put off, it wasn't as bad as I imagined and it went together pretty easily.  Sewing around the brim was challenging but I had gotten so far , I wasn't backing out then!
 Pretty jaunty, heh?!  Its owner is going to be surprised because I'm sure they think I forgot completely!  (When they gave it to me they said no hurry and save it if you can so I didn't miss any deadlines-I never procrastinate with one of those!)  FYI, I am not going to become a milliner.
After all the cleaning, organizing and mending......I needed a straight forward sewing project!
I cut up a medley of fat quarters on the Accuquilt, arranged them on the design wall, sewed them together, added borders and felt better about the world! 
I also cut out the backing and binding.   I have to wait to get the batting at JoAnn's!  And Millie's quilt is still hogging the frame space....


  1. I love it when you procrastinate! I know that's pathetic, but it's the truth. :)

    Nice to see those fabrics turning into a "voila"!

  2. That is one spectacular work space you have there. I am totally green with envy!

  3. I can't wait until I have a "wall" of my yarns as well! it's so inspiring to see what's in stash:) and the quilt goes well with the autumn colours outside just now - at least over here:)

  4. In the white bookcases that now holds your yarn, what is that pink thing second shelf down and second cube from the left?

    I sorted and organized, too, this weekend. Goodness it feels good, doesn't it?

  5. I'm impressed! I love to organize, especially when I don't want to do other chores! I'll ask also, what's the pink thing Benita asked about?

  6. I had to hide all my roving in little drawers because my cat likes to do the same thing. Only he tries to eat the wool... yuk!

  7. I bet you feel great after all that you've accomplished! Cleaning, organizing and getting rid of things always feels so good! Great job on that hat! It looks amazing! Nice quilt too! Have a great week!


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