Thursday, March 31, 2016

Finishes are Close

I have the 7 bags finished for the Fiber Pusher Podcast sale.
I thoroughly enjoyed making them and didn't regret the decision to make them! 
Since the socks were off the needles I turned to another Nurmilintu shawl.
I wanted to make another baby surprise sweater but need some superwash yarn-I hate to strap a mom with a hand wash only sweater!  It would have worked up great in this yarn though! Oh, well.
This yarn is hand spun of Cormo so the shawl will be like getting a hug every time it is worn!


  1. Amazing. You must have had an assembly line going! That shawl is just gorgeous and I can't say enough about my love for Cormo.

  2. Oh the bags are simply perfection. I' wouldnt strap a new mom with a handwash only item either. Laundry laundry laundry when there's a baby baby baby

  3. All are bright and colorful! What fun that shawl will be.

  4. So many bright and beautiful colors to cheer up any day!

  5. I feel the same about handwash sweaters for new moms and new babies. I think if the person is a knitter themselves, I'm less hesitant. I love your project bags!


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I made some letters on the Cricut--I know it doesn't look like it but these will spell WELCOME on a new sign. I cut and painted the wood...