Tuesday, May 31, 2022


 See how the garden grows! 
 It is so relaxing to sit and stich
 while I am listening to an audio book.
  I am surprised by how much I am enjoying this!

Monday, May 30, 2022


The border really sets this quilt's colors to best light!
I finished quilting the seaside quilt and even cut and pressed the binding but stopped there. Look behind the quilt machine---
I cut some more of the flowering snowball pieces to go with these sailboat prints I have had for a long time! 
 It works well together!  They are propellers in this quilt!
I'll be working on both at quilt group today!

Sunday, May 29, 2022


 It was a joy to knit this pair of socks!

 KnitPicks Stroll Tonal in Blue Violet  

Number 1 needles, toe-up

 I look forward to another pair right away!

Saturday, May 28, 2022


We had a wonderful morning at MarineLand.
  We arrived at 9 and finished at noon.
The dolphin show was so amazing!  They are incredible animals.
Look at him fly!  These were older adults who have been here for a long time.  There energy and cheerful smiles are just beautiful.
Ella and I posed for a pic and a stranger took our pic for me.
A few minutes later Eli and Grandpa came along and wanted to join in...
and then Caleb and Cassandra filled out our group
 for an impromtu family photo!
We headed out to eat after our science adventure
 and then hung out at the resort where they were vacationing.  The pool and hot tub were hits for all of us! 
 What a great day!

Friday, May 27, 2022


I loaded up the seaside quilt and worked a few rows using a panto.  I ended up using a red thread for the backing and a beige for the top which required a bit of tweaking to get a balanced stitch!  It was worth it!  I have the quilt half done..  Note the empty design wall in the background?  I couldn't have that!
I dug out an Acuquilt die for the Batik fat quarters I had in the stash!  In no time at all, I had a quilt I had earmarked long ago!  Now was the time!
Ah, yes-is this not a cheerful riot of color?!  The alternate blocks are just 9 patches.  The colors play well together!
The blocks are not easy to piece;  sew white to the corner blocks then stitch the opposite corrner wings to the center square.  Then each corner set is attached to the middle.  The curves are gentle so it is easy to stitch without pins!  I did two rows on this and will enjoy the rest on Saturday.

Today, we have an adventure at MarineLand with dolphins and grandchildren!  

Thursday, May 26, 2022


I manaaged to sew all of the borders on the seaside quilt! 
 It is a very sweet ode to summer!
The fabrics are appropriate and cute also!
 Even the borders have captured the pleasures of a beach!
 I thoroughly enjoyed this kit!
Finished measurement for this top is 37' x 56"

Wednesday, May 25, 2022


Yesterday, I had a very cool vase off the lathe! But I did not like the way the inside turned out and I decided to put it back on the lathe to do a better job hollowing it out.
Unfortunately, the cracks in the wood did not stand up to the stress of additional work.
So I turned it into a bowl!  I didn't want to end up with nothing after the work of my first project on the lathe since December!
One side still has the bark on the bowl
 which makes it a very pretty and unique bowl.
I just love the look of 'real' wood being used. 
 The bowl is 6" across and 5" tall.
It is made from wild olive wood.
I got brave and painted in the journal Kim made me--
the lighthouse is painted on the back --
--of this windmill on page 1. 
 I will enjoy filling this with paintings from different regions!

Tuesday, May 24, 2022


So pleasurable to yield a tiny needle for this embroidery. 
 It is in an eight inch hoop for scale. 
 I did all of the coneflowers first, as you see.
I'm using three strands of DMC floss.

Monday, May 23, 2022



While deciding what I would begin next, I remembered this kit I bought at the Quilt Show in February.
I even knew right where it was!
It was so much fun to play with the different blocks--piecing the sailboats and the flip flops and umbrellsa are done with applique.  I have it all set up but now I have to stitch the sashing to each of the blocks and then add the borders. 
 It will be fun to work on at Quilting Group today!

Sunday, May 22, 2022


The applecore quilt is a done deal! 
 I love the crinkly softness of the newly washed quilt.
The back turned out beautifully;  
just the way I hoped it would work out!  
It's about 40" x 47"
Proof that the stitching is completed for the sock monkey quilt! 
 I have to find backing for it so it will be on hold for a bit.
Perhaps a quilt shop trip will happen soon!


Saturday, May 21, 2022


I am tracing a new embroidery from Yarnspirations. 
 The light box sure made it easier!
 Now to load it in the hoop and begin stitching! 
 (I trace it with a Frixion pen so that it disappears
 as I iron it when done.)

Look at the hostas!
And here comes the first Calla lily!

Friday, May 20, 2022


Nyki hopes that if she lays on my yarn, I won't be able to knit....
I made all of the decisions and this is what I will be sewing together for the sock monkey quilt!
I am wearing this heavy adhesive tape to help put pressure on the thumb incision which is trying to thicken too much and also to help the fluid drain from my thumb.
It doesn't hurt or prevent me from doing anything but it is helping with the swelling.  I can't move the tip of my thumb due to swelling and this will help so we can continue PT/OT !
I'm not in pain, gratefully, but this is how I roll! lol

Thursday, May 19, 2022


The piecing of the blocks is finished with the sock monkey quilt but today I will add the sashing.  I'm not sure how I will do it--grey with red cornerstones, beige with red or maybe grey? 
 You will see what I decide tomorrow! 
Bill rolled the new tool cart to the garage for me where I cleaned out the many places where lathe tools resided and put them all in this one place!  The other shelf by the lathe was open so every time I worked, I covered all of the tools with sawdust. 
 Now, if I remember to shut each drawer,
 I will keep everything clean and tidy.
The chest has a lidded top section, too.
  Now to get back into working on the lathe again. 
 The piece on the lathe now was when I played around with Eli.
  I don't know if it can be a vase or not but I will try.
We've gotten pretty good at spotting a gopher tortoise from afar.  He was out to nibble the green grass growing over our drywell!
Isn't he a handsome fellow?!

Wednesday, May 18, 2022



I am able to knit socks!  Boy, does it feel good to have the sock knitting in my hands once more.  I had a doctor appointment yesterday and I knit while waiting to be called!  Things are getting back to normal again!

Today I usually post watercolor or wood but today I would like to show you the new tool cabinet I put together for the wood shop.  This will hold all of my lathe tools and accessories.  I will be lost in front of the lathe pretty soon!

Tuesday, May 17, 2022


A finish!  The embroidery is completed and I have it permanently mounted in this frame.  This is a pattern from Yarnspirations;  they have a nice selection of free designs!
Our very mature Magnolia tree is full of blooms....how beautiful the aroma of this very largee blooms!
Another great smelling plant is the Chinese Privot along our hedge--heady!


The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...