I finished the skein of yarn I have been working on for over a week! Trying a new technique for this mohair fiber.........it had some challenges but I am thrilled with the results-so much softer and fluffier than my first attempts. It is good to stretch your fiber wings.
I put the binding on 2 of the flannel baby quilts ; put this on by machine and taught Mom how to do the binding this way, too.

I have another one on the design wall; then I will begin the boy quilts.
She put her new skills to good use and finished her tablerunner!

The men were working even though it was very chilly again today, and got the hall wall all prepped for the sheetrock work to begin. It is a lot of fussy work to put up the 2 x 4's over the cement blocks of the former outside of the house........ask my Dad how his shoulders feel after using the cement screw drill all day!
Bill is nearing the close of running the electric wiring through the addition. He put in the ceiling wires today.