Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ladies Day Trip

A few of the ladies from church invited me along for an adventure; to find a previous member's new residence in Mayo, Florida, and take her out to lunch. She is 91, widowed and need I say desirous of visitors to her assisted living home.........
I also had to co-pilot on this 3 hour trip and so had the best view of all the wildflowers along the road! (I think they are wild phlox(pinks) and coriopsis(yellow).

The majority of our 170 miles one-way trip was through countryside; dairy farms, chicken farms and small state parks/springs. It was just beautiful!
I took along my knitting and finished the harvest socks.......though with temps in the 90's, I didn't rush to wear them!
On the way home I started a comfort shawl with some leftover yarns (I am trying to make this the year of the total destash!) It took me a bit to adjust from the number 1 sock needles to the number 13 with multiple-strands project but I did it!
It was so good to be with other women-to share, laugh and just enjoy each other's lives. I think we need to do this again.


  1. So glad you had the opportunity for fellowship.

    I love the socks! They turned out great, and your new idea really made them go from "pretty" to "wow".

    May we see a big picture of the shawl, too? I don't remember hearing about this one!

  2. Sounds like fun - the company of good friends, knitting and beautiful spring flowers!

  3. Road trip sounds like fun, I'd like to take one to 'Sock Summit'!

    The socks came out great, and I think you should just turn down the air till it's chilly and wear them anyway (do not attempt while your husband is home or you will hear mumblings about 'the light bill' and 'she thinks I'm made of money'. Ask me how I know!)
    The shawl looks nice but M is right we need a bigger pic. I'm trying to not buy yarn until all my other yarn is used as well. I think a lot of it will have to be afghans or something. Anyone want a fluorescent orange shawl??

  4. What beautiful countryside you have around you. All those flowers in bloom at once. Sounds like you had a lovely trip.


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My faithful friend, Mary, came again to sit with me-she brought some fabric and foundation paper piecing papers so we could make a table run...