Friday, January 8, 2010


The weaving is progressing with the steady rhythm of my treadling dance; 2-3-2; 4-5-4 again and again.  This is the pattern on page37 (bottom photo)  of Handweavers Pattern Directory.  I am using 8/2 cotton from HalcyonYarns.  Cream was used for all the warp and I will change the colors for the weft making each dish towel unique in patter and color.  The weave will get closer and fluffier after washing.  I like having the loom in the livingroom!


  1. That's a great summer combo, reminds me of checkered table linen and bbq.

  2. Looking good!!

    Almost all of my dishtowels have been a striped warp with striped weft. My next set will be a solid warp and a different color weft for each towel. Glad you're having fun doing that! I'm sure I will too!



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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.