Monday, January 4, 2010

Rolling Down Renovation Road

We passed our heating/cooling system inspection this morning so we have ordered our sheetrock!  The supplier will deliver on Wednesday, and then the sheetrock crew will begin on Thursday!

  So, we have to move out all the 'stuff' I have moved into the new space even tho it was unfinished!  The furniture will get put in the garage, the car goes into the driveway........we must make some sacrifices to get this job done!

The loom/weaving area had to be relocated, it will temporarily be in the livingroom.  I just couldn't bear putting it in storage to be completely unaccessible.  This will work (thanks , Bill , for the great idea!).  The rest of the weaving supplies have gone into a crate in my sewing room-I don't like clutter so I like it out of sight in a bin!

I did a little spinning, this is blue faced leicester wool which will find its way into a pair of socks.  This was the birthday roving from the McKees-thank you , it was a delight to spin!

Pure inspiration with lot's of practical advice, great book Sara!  I will be doing some rigid heddle projects from this book with my Mom .  You are going to love it, Mom!


  1. I love the title of this post -- hooray for progress!

    The BFL yarn is so pretty...hope to touch it in person sorta soon!

  2. Hope all goes well with the sheetrocking! So exciting!! :o)

  3. I am just waiting to see how many frost victims we're going to have in the garden in spring - but putting up sheets is a good idea if you only have a few larger plants to cover! looks a bit like forgotten halloween ghosts though:))
    I love the colours of the yarn, very pretty - too nice for a pair of socks? good luck with the renovating!

  4. No, couldn't put the loom away. That would make a happy situation sad. :)

  5. Most of the people in my real life weaving group have looms scattered throughout their house. The living room is a favorite spot. I'm one of the oddballs with my looms all contained (so far) in my studio.

    I do plan to bring my baby wolf downstairs or even out to the porch in the summer. (But that's so far from now as I sit waiting for 6-12 inches of snow overnight....)

    Hope things are warmer down in FLA by now!!



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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.