Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday's Hard Decisions

The pool is starting to clear up.  The pool guy said it looked normal and better than some when it first gets filled.  He was very unconcerned which helped my panic!  The filter is on and the pool is starting to look inviting.  If it gets as warm as it is supposed to today, we just might give it a try!
When I found the forgotten shawl yesterday, I dug a bit more and found two more knitting projects that have for some unknown reason been abandoned and I am going to finish them both up as soon as I knit the last stitch on the shawl! This is the mystery shawl-set aside on clue 7 of 9.
 I can't stand it when I flit from project to project without finishing them up!  This is the ten stitch twist blanket-I have only one skein of leftover to use up and it will be done!  Self, get going!
I bought some raw alpaca when in Gainesville on Thursday.  I had a little bit that DeepEndoftheLoom sent me and you know how it goes....I needed more!  I will card, spin and weave this-I can see the shawl already!
I want to work on the quilt blocks-so much for my 'make 6 blocks a day' goals!
I bought some batting needed for the Psalms quilt so I can quilt that.  The shades for my room arrived so I can make them except the fabric hasn't arrived in the mail yet!  A new QuiltsforKids kit arrived and is calling my name!
I want to wind a new warp and make a plastic bag tote on the loom.
Nyki is teasing for me to play with her. 

I better get going-this day has a lot of voices calling me!
Bill says, "Nonsense.  Saturday is an easy choice for what to do; mow, nap in front of the tv while watching golf. "  Now why didn't I think of that?!


  1. having to watch golf - would put me to sleep immediately:)) though you might need it - do you ever get any sleep with all the things you do??? alpaca - hm.... I have three bags of stuff here, and about 2.5 kg tops in white, grey and black.... unfortunately only one pair of hands - I think humans aren't designed very well, a few more hands wouldn't go amiss:))

  2. the pool is really starting to call my name! :)

    Good grief, you have a million projects in the works...with so many half-started you're starting to look like me (ha ha)!!!

  3. It's exciting when there are so many choices with our time (and it's not all housework choices) but it can also be frustrating!

    The other "problem" with being interested and active in so many crafts is that it easy to get distracted! LOL

  4. I don't think I could have refrained from a cool refreshing splash in your pool!

    I can never decide if it is depressing or exciting to come across one of my

  5. How long does it take to get the kid's quilt kits? I ordered mine and it still hasn't come yet!

    It must be nice to have projects already half done. I truly wonder why you stopped knitting on them, it's so unlike you.

  6. I think men see weekends much differently than women do - they think relaxation and we think "How much can I do today?"

  7. Lots of pulls here and there! The pool looks great, just waiting to be tested!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.