Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Tribute to Grandma

When in NY in August, I was looking at a copy of PieceWork magazine and saw an article about saving crochet samples in a cloth book.  Mom got right up and dug around a bit and found some of my Grandma's samples.
 She rarely used a pattern; just looked over these samples and then made her edging after a quick study.    (We all still have pillowcases and doilies from Gram!)
  Mom gave me the samples and I have put them in my own memory book.  
I cut out my fabric pages from muslin and used iron on interfacing for heft. 
After sewing the layers together at the spine of the book, I then hand sewed the samples to each page and placed some of her pictures cut from newspaper articles in the back pocket.
  I even tucked the crochet hooks she used into this back pocket. 
I think Gram would have liked to have this little book!  I am very glad to have this tangible reminder of my Grandmother, I use the skills she passed down most every day!  I think you are going to want to make one for yourself, Mom!


  1. Oh Mom, how perfect. It seems just perfect that you, her domestic-arts-talented granddaughter, made this tribute-book of her samples etc. I look forward to seeing it in person!

  2. Wow! Just ;ove it when a plan comes together. She would be so proud of you! Love, Mom

  3. That's so wonderful - fun for you and a lovely tribute to your gram...

  4. Those are wonderful! It must be really touching to have those samples.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....