Thursday, October 28, 2010

A D(r)ip in October

 Bill got the system all hooked up for the pool's solar heating!
 He connected all the pipes and valves and flipped the switch!
 And sprung a leak!  The good news was the falling water was quite warm!  He tightened the joins in several places and the pool heated up to 83F so he got to swim this afternoon. ( I just sat and watched him while swishing my feet in the water.  I will have to build up my courage and stamina to enjoy the water again!)
 I finished the little neck scarf!  Very soft using Lion Brand sportweight yarn on #4 needles.  I will link a pattern tomorrow if anyone wants......the actual written pattern from Martha Stewart's Living magazine was way more complicated than it needed to be so I rewrote it for us!
 I got all my golden cloth cut up and some of it sewn up but I need the hardware to be able  to continue with the backpack construction!  I sewed up two halves of the fabric so it was wide enough for the pattern piece.  I fused heavy iron on interfacing before I did any cutting.  It worked very well!
 The lining is done and it will have to wait until I get to JoAnn's........
 PuffDaddy enjoyed a new screensaver-downloaded just for him!
 JD couldn't be bothered.  (Oh, to be so limber.............)


  1. Gee, I think you could use that leak for a shower before & after you swim! Quite handy!

    I'm heading for the pool as soon as I can get my DH out of the chair! We're downtown Seattle & it's warm for s Alaskans! We'll have it all to ourselves!

    Love the collar & the kitty pics. The are such fun little furry people!

  2. Hooray for Dad! David can hardly wait to swim next month. :)

    The scarf is nice -- I love Martha's ideas but her stuff is always more complicated than necessary!!!

    The backpack looks really pretty. The colors are fascinating.

    And, as always, the cats are adorable!

  3. Goodness - she's almost turned 180!

    I think your new backpack is going to be sweet!


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We took a day to go to downtown Jacksonville to the MOSH and expose the kids to some smiling adults instead of sobbing ones. We had a very g...