Monday, October 11, 2010

We're All Spinning

I spun up the rest of the newly dyed wool and plied one skein so far.  It is very soft and cushy.  200 yards in the first skein, will have about the same in the second.
Bill put up both of the ceiling fans on the veranda.  We both did our own kind of spinning today!
All this spinning tired out the kittens........(she is growing much faster than PuffDaddy at this age!)
                                           They play hard and then sleep hard for several hours! 
                                      Like every Mother, I get a lot done while they are sleeping!


  1. Oooh the yarn is scrummy! That means I like it a lot!

    The fans are great for those warm day you get. I remember my parents takng their big fan out on the deck on warm summer evenings to create a breeze.

    The kittys are o cute too.

  2. The yarn is prettier than the fans, but the fans are no less exciting!

    Look at those cute cats...JD does look like she might turn out to be a big cat! Glad she joined the family. :)

  3. Love the yarn. Do you have a spinning wheel or a spindle? Also, did you make the quilt that Puff Daddy is lounging on?

  4. Pretty, pretty yarn and sweet kittens. Gee you have soft things to touch all over the place, don't you?

  5. the yarn looks great! no need for fans over here, we have a breeze on most of the days - and no temperature to write home about:))but the veranda does look inviting! the cats... hm, ours started to annoy me when I am crafting! she sees me sitting at the table and has to pull on my yarn, put her feet on my book etc.:)) if they weren't so darn cute with it....and looking so innocent when asleep:)


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....