Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wood Worker

 I have had the lumber to make this loom caddy for a several months and finally got the urge to build it!
 I used maple like the rest of the loom so it will darken to the same honey color in a few years, especially after I wax it for a finish. 
This will hold my supplies much better and a certain feline will not be able to knock them off as is her wont.
Nyki immediately joined in the inspection.
 She was pleased to sit comfortably now, the old piece of paneling that was sitting on top of the loom used to fall off and dump her if she moved too quickly!
 I have had this bookmark kit from Weavezine on since January but I couldn't get the log cabin pattern to work.  Instead of burning it.....I just wove it plain and will enjoy the beauty  of the tencel threads as they make nice interplays of color.
JD knows how to spend her one naps better than a cat!


  1. That's not a loom caddy--that's a cat couch--padding please!!!Sharon

  2. That's a nice cat-sized compartment you included on your loom caddy! lol Glad it became reality, it's always fun to take an idea and make it so.

    JD looks like she has life all figured out -- looks good to me!

  3. "No one naps better than a cat." Amen!

  4. Love it! of course I love all that you do:) Purrrr-fect kitty look out post if you ask me;)

  5. wow, your cats' colours go with the blanket on the bed:)) and it's very kind of you to make a nicer vantage point for the other one, now all that's missing is some rope to scratch on that loom somewhere....

  6. Is there no end to your talent?

    It's a cold, grey day here today, especially after yesterday's beautiful sunny Mothers' Day, I guarantee Tom is curled up somewhere fast asleep!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....