Sunday, August 10, 2014

Cousins , Too

 After church, we took a drive and visited my Mom's oldest sister, my Aunt Char.  There were 3 of her 9 children there so  I had another wonderful cousin connect!  I will say, after the pic as we sat and told stories old and new, we sure did laugh!  In fact, we are a very happy group of people, that is an amazing fact to own and share!
I am on strata four of the Geology Shawl.  Nothing like a good knit at the end of a perfect day!


  1. Those are the best kind of family get-togethers.

  2. looks like you're having fun meeting your far away family again! there's nothing like having a laugh with old friends - apart from knitting, of course:) looking forward to the finished shawl... soon:)
    and I like the casual look of the wedding guests. over here people sometimes remind me of royalty, they way they are fitted out for that day - esp. funny, when we have one of our usual windy days - and hats, fascinators and other ado goes flying about the churchyard:)

  3. Great group pic. I LOVE the shawl you are working on

  4. You've certainly got a beautiful family!
    I also think that shawl is spectacular. I can't wait to see it finished.

  5. The shawl is beautiful... what kind of yarn are you using?

  6. What fun to see cousins etc again...glad you got the chance!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!