Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Life and Death

 I have the second little kitten finished.   He is called Wylie.
I made him in the round for all the parts except the chest because of the white belly.  (which the grey floats show through and that bugs me)
It certainly went together easier than the first, as things always do,
but sewing it together is still not the most fun in the world.
I will make some more but I need a break or now.
 The yarn is used up and the second pair of shorty socks are finished!
These are for another daughter in law.
 We had a tragedy in the wren family.
I don't know if this is father or mother (father, I believe)
but he had a collision with the overhead fan on his way to feed the babies.
Mother is carrying on the vigil and the babies are all thriving.
She never gets a rest but she does still sing!
The babies are getting their feathers and losing the down.
It is a good example of doing a job well!


  1. Love the socks and the second kitty. Don't let the floats bother you: real kitties have freckles on their tummy, too.

  2. Oh no.....how sad. Thank goodness you have a parent to keep going or you would he hand feeding all those babies. I did that once with a baby cardinal and is was hard work. He lived and I let him go in the park when he could fly and it made me cry for days. Still does. Darn birds.

  3. Oh gosh, poor little wren. Their songs are beautiful, aren't they? Cute kitty and fun socks!

  4. Awwwwwwwwww...poor birdie. Hopefully, the babies will be out on their own soon and mama will get a break.

    Love Wylie the kitty. He's a handsome boy.

  5. Aw Circle of LIfe. Baby wrens....thriving. Poor single mama. Lots of work for her!

  6. We had a baby bird tragedy right outside by my garage door. No nests were near so I am not sure where it came from, still it is so sad.

  7. Hooray on the mama and baby wrens doing well! It would be nice to have a happy ending to their story!

    I actually like the way the gray flecks show through the white belly!

  8. Seems like the bad bird luck is catching! We had a lot of wind today and the metal box door flung open. All but one egg smashed. I put it back in and closed the box up.. hopefully the last little guy makes it. From the look of the smashed eggs, they weren't too far off from hatching.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.