Tuesday, February 1, 2022


 My curiosity was piqued by this post by Betsy about Tunisian Crochet.  I know I have several hooks-SOMEWHERE!  But I gave up and ordered some with my mushroom and elderberry supplements from Amazon-they will be here on Thursday. 
 Until then, I wanted to try out the instructions 
(it's been 40 years since I tried this!)
 so I used the too small hook I did find 
and some dishcloth cotton because if you are going to get armored fabric, a dishcloth is a good use for it! 
 What's nice is that I can wedge the hook against my stomach and do the wrapping with my left hand which is a bonus for me!


  1. Nice!! Don't over-do it though....

  2. So that's what those crazy hooks are for. I inherited some from who knows where and never knew what to do with them.

  3. Neat - glad you found a way to make it work for you!

  4. That looks great! Such even stitches for only having one hand to work with. Armored fabric is right. I hope it softens up after washing once I've finished the blanket. I thought of making some dishcloths too.

  5. I have several afghan hooks and use them in my sewing room for turning tubes and threading elastic.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!