Friday, May 7, 2010

A Colorful Day

Nyki got to go out to the screened in pool area-the walls were finally screened in and she got to go out the cat door and explore. 
She stayed out all night except for the visit in the wee hours of the morning when she gifted Bill with a frog!
We have wild blackberries ready for picking and eating!  (There are not enough for jam.)
The prickly pear cactus is in bloom!
This grows way out back by the pond-so pretty this year with the regular rains maintaining the moist soil.
I have started a new pair of socks-a reward for finishing a shawl. 
I am almost finished with this plastic bag tote on the loom.
The quilt is finished and ready to go out in tomorrow's mail.  (a kit)


  1. Nice!

    Nyki looks like she's feeling a little too big for her britches now!!!

  2. How cool to have a screen all the way around and over your pool. The local birds would get such a shock if we decided to screen ours after eighteen years open to the elements!

  3. I wonder if Nyki will go for a swim, Gilbert did once accidentally.

    We have the wild blackberries too. I trained up our fence and a lattice and they really multiplied.

    You have been so busy!

  4. Oh, gee... The gift of a frog in the middle of the night. So, how loud did he holler?

  5. Such a beautiful shawl, I've never seen one in a butterfly shape.

  6. Even a non-cat-person like me can appreciate those photos of your cat checking out the pool!

    The middle of the night frog gift would be as popular though!

    Love the quilt!!! Great color combo!



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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....