Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Icy Not Warm

 It stayed freezing at 28F from 10 on last night!  We ran our sprinkler to try and protect some plants.  I am afraid this queen palm  is in serious jeopardy; it barely survived last winter's freezes.
 The LIve Oak caught the edge of the sprinkler and was quite frozen until late this afternoon.  Our high temps wa only 53F so not the usual bounce back.
 This is the ornamental bamboo in the front yard; we are hoping that being frozen at 32F is protection from the twenties that persisted all night.
 Can you see the thermometer at 8am?  At least the garden was well protected in its little 'house' if not beautiful to behold!
 The pool has been in the 70's lately but 56 is a bit too cold but not freezing, and the plants that we left in the pool area were just fine this morning-that is a relief!
On the knitting front, I am still bitten by the entrelac bug and am working on a Quant, featured on Ravelry and in SpinOff magazine last year, but I am just getting on the band wagon.  I am using the rest of the Christmas ribbon candy yarn for this!
 The cats have been fighting for napping rights in my wool basket, these two will share but
Nyki keeps it all to herself!  (Now that is a surprise.....!)

I have been spinning up all the wool in the basket, more on that tomorrow!

(The temperature is already down to 30F; we are in for another too cold one!)


  1. Yikes it is sure chilly in Florida. Hope it warms up for you soon. I remember your plants suffered last year in the cold temps. Good luck this year.
    LOL>>same here on the cooking front. Love the gadgets and leave them for Rod to play with. He loves Thai meals so when home on the weekends I am spoiled with some lovely meals. Never was a cook but can if I HAVE to..lol.
    In case things get hectic here just wanted to wish you and your family a wonderful Merry Christmas. Looks like you had a great visit just recently and I am sure more to follow shortly.
    Merry Christmas..
    Judi B. in chilly Ontario

  2. I would blow you some warm air but we don't have any, either! Hope everything there survives the Arctic blast...

    I had to look up what a "Quant" was, but now I have a new word in my vocab...thanks. :)

  3. frost everywhere or so it seems:(( I hope you can rescue most of your plants, it's esp. annoying when they've grown too large to protect them with fleece etc.:(( most of ours recovered after last winter, but I think some won't recover after the 2nd hit in two years:((
    the cats seem to enjoy themwselves though - I love Nyki's face peeking out of the basket - she looks as if she says: go away, leave me alone here:))
    and the quant looks perfect for a chilly christmas - you could always use it for deco if it's too warm outside to wear:))

  4. I can hardly wait to see what all you are spinning up.

    And I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your plants. I hate to see them get frozen out.

  5. The cats are too funny especially Nyki! Your Christmas yarn says it wants to be mine! You seem to have really gotten bitten by the entrelac bug, I am glad you are doing so well at it and seem to be enjoying it.


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The Fringe tree is a little late this year  but it has been very dry so it will not be in bloom long!  This type of tree is called hysterant...