Monday, September 19, 2016

Socks and Sneezes!

I did finish the socks I was working on in Apopka, but I also came home with a nasty virus;  attacking both my throat/nose and stomach!
I wasn't the only one who came down with symptoms on Saturday morning-
all of us except my son have this lovely virus.
Let's just say, most of the time, I hold my knitting while I sleep.
And I do mean sleep.
And eat ice cream.
And sip my raspberry tea.
Yawn....time for another doze!

(Stats:  Opal Yarn
size 2.5mm needles
cast on 60 sts
And pattern:  The Hermione Everyday Socks 
for the wonderful texture!!)


  1. Hope you are feeling better soon. Do you think you got a bacterial infection at Rock Springs? I know they have had a LOT of trouble with the quality of their water.

    The socks look great!

  2. Oh, no. Poor you! I hope you are feeling better soon. The socks are gorgeous. I LOVE that yarn. I fall asleep knitting all the time and I'm not even sick. Just old.

  3. Blah! Not the kind of souvenir anyone would want after a fun trip. Hope you feel all better soon!

  4. Cute socks! Hope you can beat the bug soon!

  5. So sorry you are under the weather. Get well soon!!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....