Wednesday, September 25, 2024


My brain is beginning to recover from the multitude of drugs pumped into me to save my life.  I even sat at the table for two meals yesterday.  I'm finding little improvements each day but I have to remember to search for them.  
Recovery means time, lots of time.


  1. Sending prayers for continued improvement.

  2. I just can't imagine how bad you must have felt. I'm so, so sorry. I've been praying for you dilegently that you will rest and take your time in healing.
    Blessings and love,

  3. Every little accomplishment is a big one when you've been through what you have! Keep on keeping on - we are here to cheer!

  4. I was so sorry to read about your surgery, so glad you finally go the help you needed. Sending healing prayers your way, stay safe int he storm.

  5. It certainly does mean time. When I would go through these things with dad I would let him put a sticky note on a wall everyday to show progress. I'd have him write one thing he did that day that he couldn't do before. It can be very frustrating to people who are used to being active. It takes a lot of patience to get well.

  6. So glad to hear that you are on the mend! I hope you keep feeling better every day. I am always impressed at all your different projects; you are one talented lady!


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My faithful friend, Mary, came again to sit with me-she brought some fabric and foundation paper piecing papers so we could make a table run...