Saturday, September 28, 2024


 While I try to do some sitting up time often each day, I have been working on the Dotz projects.  My brain can handle covering up all the #1's, etc.  It feels good to make something.  I have been sad at how slow my progress is until my Mom gave me words of wisdom; "Have you made progress since last Saturday?"  Well, yes, I can measure improvements since a week ago so thanks for the perspective, Mom!

1 comment:

  1. That's a beautiful dotz project!
    I have no excuse at all but this week I've had a terrible time getting focused so I can relate. I can't let myself touch any of my important projects so I've just been working on my puzzle. I blame the weather. After a summer of sun and drought, this week long rain has everyone in the dumps and I usually love rainy weather.


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 While I try to do some sitting up time often each day, I have been working on the Dotz projects.  My brain can handle covering up all the #...