Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Warm Outside!

Bill brought some of our leftover stucco sand over for the kids in their sandbox and they played for hours and hours.  The breeze was a warm caress like it usually is and in a word, perfect!  Great way to welcome March!  (Unfortunately, it is going to be miserable again tomorrow but we savored today!)
Marsel finished her Psalm quilt and we loaded her rail fence quilt!
I decided I am going to use a random placement of colors and so had to rip out the two blocks I have already made.  It is going to be better this way!  Sometimes, going backwards is making progress!


  1. The sun looks so warm in that first picture! We finally have sun after a whole week of glop here.

    You guys are quilting maniacs!!! I'm always inspired by your productivity.


  2. Kids and sandboxs great combination.

    I am so jealous of your warm sunny weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your quilting always amazes me!!

  3. Autumn (Fall) began here on Monday so the temperature will soon be dropping. Today was a pleasant 28*C (82*F) after a cool two days of rain.

  4. As for the day I'm having I wanna go play in the sandbox too. The quilt looks very cute, make me think of apple pie and fireworks.

  5. wind a warm caress?? I wish I could say the same, but with us here the wind is more like an icy fist:)) spring just doesn't want to come and I am so tired of it. I don't need hot weather - just a little bit milder would do it for me, don't want to be greedy:))

  6. Oh, dear. And the neighbor just came through with the snow plow, and it's really below freezing. I think I might be jealous.

    And I'm with the other folks: your quilting skillz are just downright impressive. :-)


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I've been inspired by Deb's  recent spinning adventures  so I ordered some BFL wool from Greenwood to spin! I am ready to add someth...